August 31, 2009

Dear Santa Fe

Dear Santa Fe,

The last five years have been slightly tumultuous. Although that last year of school was intense, I don't blame it on you. I will be honest and say that there were days where we were not on the best of terms and I really needed a break from some of your less fortunate features. I know I have complained often about the driving and the crazy tourists and even occasionally about the cold and snow. Oh, and don't even get me started on the plague.

I'm not saying that we haven't had any fun, because we both know that we have. There are plenty of good memories, many of which involve driving aimlessly around town. Then there are the mountains and the snow (forget what I said about that earlier). And of course there is the ChocolateSmith. That is something that I might miss the most. I don't know if I can find a job as good as that one ever again.

I don't think that this is a good bye for good, my dear Santa Fe, just a see you next time. With all your faults and all your fun we both know that I cannot stay away for too long. I will be back at some point, right now I just need a little break.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Whatever the reason, we'll be happy to have you in Austin again!